Would You Rather Choose a Book or Pick a Card?

One may be somewhat difficult (intellectually), the other uses little or no brain power whatsoever. Yet for those who might be prone to economize on cognitive load, a few words of warning: do not be so foolish as to leave your nutrition decisions entirely up to chance. There is a big difference between biting into an apple and biting into a rock!

Yet many if not most “readers” often or usually choose (and even rely on) a daily diet of “random” information resources. Accordingly, many if not most so-called “advanced” societies have been configured to let a few leaders lead the vast majority of poor huddled masses … and today, one of the most advanced technologies employed for this purpose is so-called “mass media“. These corporations are faceless and undifferentiated — much like a pack of cards. Turning on the boob tube or flipping through a magazine has become the preferred method for propagandists to reach their target audiences for at least a century. [1] Whether exhausted at the end of a long day or impatiently waiting in a doctors office, these mass media technologies have been optimized to sucker consumers into almost anything and everything whatsoever. They have the aura of “plain vanilla”, go down like melted butter and are interpreted as quintessentially popular. There is no better way to invite a mass mob into your living room or other highly confidential quasi-safe space.

Of course if any individual member of those poor huddled masses feels unable to have any influence on any aspect of the future — whether their own or anyone else’s — then they ought to be expected to give up. Choosing when the choice has no impact on any outcome whatsoever is simply wasted energy. And this is another primary attack vector of mainstream propaganda interests: individuals are considered to be utterly insignificant. Each individual will never have any impact when contrasted with multinational conglomerate corporations, governments, armies, unbridled brutal military forces and the opinions of sanctioned celebrities. If any individual celebrity ever happens to make a misstep, they can be annihilated in short shrift and immediately eradicated from the face of the Earth. The mainstream remains a clean slate of monumental media power and will crush any crumb that comes even close to stretching their necks above a neighboring speck of dust.

This is the context in which Gobbledygook [2] brand names rise up to overpower any and all rational thought with widespread artificial intelligence. As long as the vast majority among the poor huddled masses remain conformist card-carrying subscribers, subservient to following the rule of their algorithmic overlords, the mainstream power machinery will remain greased with the blood, sweat and tears pressed out of the last remaining bits of individual energy which remains resigned from the inability to muster a single individual thought.

Since under such circumstances self-determination becomes impossible, the poor huddled masses can only open their eyes to consume the never-ending flow of propaganda streaming into their minds, flooding their brains with Gobbledygook [2] brand names which are completely meaningless. Their intellectual abilities gradually deteriorate and decompose until they are eventually reduced to the level of mud. These can then be written off as collateral damage.

The rising portfolios of Gobbledygook [2] increasingly tower above the crumbs and dust and ashes of previous generations, bubbling up artificial intelligence like there is no tomorrow. The only resource needed is energy, and the forecasts predict that after all fossil fuels have been extinguished, breeder reactors will probably be able to provide a plentiful supply for many millennia to come. Thus, the future of Gobbledygook [2] looks not only rosy but virtually certainly so.

[1] I would maintain that the “motion picture” industry could count as an early form of the “television” industry; and in any case radio broadcast technology is now over a century old (and of course the publishing industry is already several centuries old).
[2] See also “More about Modes and Levels of Literacy“, “Fascism & Regulated Media” and “Rational Media” [ https://phlat.design.blog/2024/01/14/rational-media ]

By New Media Works

I'm just a regular person ;) If you want to know more, pls send me a msg -- thanks! :D

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